Monday, October 09, 2006


Ga kerasa udah 1 taun aja pangeran gw umurnya, tgl 7 oktober kemaren dia merayakan ulang taunnya..
ada tricycle, fancy dinner, and much much more presents...
sempet kepikiran beliin motor kecil tp hehehe..naek aja masih bingung kaliiii ^_^
semoga jadi anak yg shaleh juga berTuhan, jd kakak yg baik dan usah mikirin kata orang ya nak...go after your dream!!

Friday, October 06, 2006


I remember when you were on a wastafel and open wide..

I remember when you sat on a me tappin' tappin' up and down..

I remember when turn your back and pushing the wall so hard...

I remember when i lifted your right leg and pushed right in..

I also remember when you punched me many times and growled...

that's when i sex you all over the place..

Friday, September 08, 2006


I open my eyes at night
I wonder what I would be without you in my life

Everything was just a bore
All the things I've done

You know I've done them before
But you brightened up all of my days

With your love so sweet and in so many ways
How sweet it is to be loved by you



Its 6 o'clock in the morning, like usual my wife went to the toilet and washing face, cleaning up things, this and that...
but this time she came out and go straight to me and grab my hairrr..and she said "IM PREGNANTTT!!! ARGHHHHHH YOUUUU..."
suddenly i got clear view and numb for a minute...and i talked to myself "DAMNNN, GW TOKCER JUGAA!!"

he or she will become my 2nd child, my first one will have his 1st birthday on 7 October. nice ehh...

i love'em so muchh!!!

*tinggal cari duit lagi, nabung buat asuransi mereka, dan pensiun umur 35...*

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


mungkin luw semua bingung maksud taglinenya diatas, tp itulah yg diucapkan oleh Nita. let say she's one of my family member, a sister and a best friend. awalnya gw bingung pas dia ngomong gitu, kontradiksinya sangat berbeda.

lalu dia pun menjelaskan bahwa idup ini terserah kita dengan adanya berjuta-juta pilihan yg ada, kita bisa memilihnya (bebas) tp ada aturannya (ga bebas).
langsung gw lemes dengernya, jawaban itu menundukan semua teori gw kl idup ini bebas sebebas2nya tanpa harus memikirkan aspek2 laen, selama kita ga menyesalinya.

hehehe thanks ya Nit..

Monday, July 17, 2006


I love seeing your sexy body when you sat on top of me..

i love watching your sweet face when you growled on top of me..

i love hearing your voice when you whispered on top of me..

i love holding your hands when you began to out of control..

i love the feeling when its end when you laid onto me and put your face on my face and sighed saying..

...i love you

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


gw bikin lagi satu direktori khusus all about women, isinya diperuntukan buat para lelaki yg bingung atau mikir cewek itu complicated..yg sebenernya ngga sama sekali..kl lelaki mau pake otaknya dikit ^_^ SELAMAT MEMBACA...

Friday, June 30, 2006


I stood on the green fields, where was it I don’t know..
I feel new but I like it, what was it I don’t know..
And I saw someone, who was it I don’t know..

I went to her,
I grabbed her hand,
I turned her around,
And finally I know who she is.

She smiled to me,
But she said nothing.
I know its her,
I know im sure..
But she kept silent.

I talk no more, as we walked through the fields
Where mountains and valleys live together.
Where winds and rocks talking each other.

She put her hand on my head, and caress me
She looked at me and kept silent..
We talked in tranquility..

And we keep walking, as I don’t want to wake anymore.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Mungkin luw semua tau quotes ini "I choose not to choose life..i choose something else" apalagi kalo bukan dari film indie yang keren banget taun 90an yaitu TRAINSPOTTING. waktu gw denger kata-kata itu, (i was an addict at that time) i've been thinking what is somethin else..kalo bukan milih idup terus apa ya??

Semua orang kan pastinya punya tujuan idup donk, kalo ngga, ya ga bakal mungkin mereka bisa bertahan. Secara manusia punya naluri untuk bertahan, so emang udah dari sananya begitu. Tapi masih banyak yang ga nyadar akan hal itu. Me for example, sampe saat ini gw cuma bisa bertahan...bertahan dengan tujuan yang berubah-ubah, sejalan dengan tambah tuanya gw, seiring dengan tambahnya tanggung jawab gw, seirama dengan keinginan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gw.

Kita diberikan pilihan oleh-NYA sangat sangat banyak. saking banyaknya pilihan itu,sampe kita bingung dan kita bilang "gw ga punya pilihan lainnn.." (stupid ass!). Dengan kebebasan yang tak terhingga ini, kita memberikan batasan pada diri kita sendiri. contoh nih, luw bangun pagi terus ke lsg menuju kamar mandi siap-siap mau ngantor. udah berapa pilihan yang kita ambil ya?!?!.

Kenapa luw milih bangun pagi instead of bobo lagi.
Kenapa luw milih menuju ke kamar mandi instead of ke meja makan.
Kenapa luw milih siap-siap ke kantor drpd samperin keluarga luw dulu or whatever.

Kehidupan yang terbiasa monoton ini menjadi tolok ukur sedikitnya pilihan kita untuk melakukan sesuatu.
berdasarkan apa? prioritas apa ketakutan? ketakutan dimarahin boss kalo dateng telat, atau kena SP hehehe.
lalu apa yang menjadi prioritas idup ini donk? Bagi gw ya bertahan, bertahan dengan jiwa luw dan bertahan dengan kedinamisan.

Mungkin ini bukan jalan yang terbaik, tapi ini jalan yang gw pilih. ^_^


Semua orang kan pasti punya dosa favorit tuh, baik yang disadari maupun yang ga disadarin...(hayooooo coba inget-inget).

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Lagi-lagi dia menggangu otakku, dia yang sudah menambah warna hidupku, dia yang sedang tertatih aku bantu untuk berjalan, dia yang penuh dengan pikiran aku isi dengan candaan, dia yang aku hargai.

Lagi-lagi dia membuatku memikirkannya, dia yang selalu tersenyum manis kala aku menggodanya, dia yang selalu menyapa teguranku dipagi hari, dia yang menemaniku saat bekerja, dia yang aku sayangi

Lagi-lagi dia menyita perhatianku, dia yang selalu menatap mataku saat berbicara, dia yang menciumku saat memeluknya, dia yang suka memainkan rambutnya saat terlihat malu, dia yang aku cintai.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I feel strange..
everytime i see you walk in front of me

i feel bless..
everytime you touch me

i feel in heaven...
everytime you kiss me

i feel sad..
everytime you say "see you tomorrow.."

i feel safe..
everytime you hug me

i feel awkward..
everytime you say "have a nice sleep hunn.."

i feel lucky..
knowing that you feel the same for me


i woke up,
and i checked my phone,
there's no text from you..

i sleep again..

i woke up,
and see outside,
there's no sign about you,
i burn some weed..

i sleep again..

i woke up,
and im still on bed,
wandering where are you now,
i took prozac..

i sleep again

i woke up,
and i took more weed from the drawer,
what could've been happen to you,
can you feel what i felt..

i sleep again

i woke up,
and im halucinating,
i think i saw you just now,
i burn more weed..

i sleep again

i woke up
and i smile..
i just miss you so much

Monday, June 19, 2006


Have you ever notice that life can be such wonderful things in your life? I know, we always have what we want it.. of course not literally.

When you woke up in the morning, which is that’s the first gift we get it…we can still wake up!! And then when you opened your eyes..that’s another gift we have…can you imagine when you woke up and you feel like you already opened your eyes but you couldn’t see anything?? GOD FORBID!

When you breathe but no air was absorb?? When you feel itchy, you can still scratch it with your hand.. that makes two!! You still have your hand and you feel it when you scratch it…

Sometimes when we wanted to go to work, we just walked out to the door, ride your bike and arrived at the office, we forgot to praised even for a second. We forgot little things that happens daily. We think only the BIG one. We never praised on how many steps that we have made successfully. Again we thought its something to be done to get things done. When you wanna sit on your chair, have you ever praised that you can still have what you want it?? even you breathe..

Its obvious that we have a countless gifts in every single move we made…


Sebenernya ada ga sih manusia jelek?? Secara fisik yaa bukan secara keseluruhan seperti etika atau akhlak. Kalo gw bilang yah, manusia jelek secara fisik tuh ga ada..

Human made that…

Coba sekali-sekali luw perhatiin manusia yang luw anggap (GOD FORBID) jelek secara detail deh…really see them very closely, ya emang sih mungkin bagi luw hal itu hal yang sia-sia atau buang-buang waktu…but 5 minutes does not bother you at all..

Liat idungnya..liat bibirnya…liat kupingnya…liat toketnya kek…hehehehe. I mean, see them thoroughly..not in general. Bagi luw yang ga pede, ga berasa ganteng atau ga berasa cantik…ngaca deh terus liatin detail diri luw sendiri, luw tuh punya bagian-bagian individual yang alhamdulliah punya dan subhanallah kegunaannya…

Gw ga bilang lengkap karena tidak perlu lengkap untuk mempunyai daya tarik. Contohnya Handicap Marathon, yang pesertanya memakai kursi roda, dengan segala kekurangannya yang mereka punya tapi mereka punya self confidence yang luar biasa.

Gw pernah liat di axn, (I didn’t know what tv shows it was) ada seorang ibu yang tidak mempunyai kedua lengannya dapat mengurus anaknya yang masih bayi juga masih menyempatkan untuk belanja keperluan rumah tangganya dengan kakinya…
(silakan nganga dulu buat amaze..hehehe) dengan kondisinya yang seperti ini bisa menjadi contoh bahwa tidak ada manusia jelek secara fisik

Manusia membuat tingkatan-tingkatan seperti jelek, cakep, lumayan, oke lah,.so so, atau ummm not bad..untuk menunjukan tolok ukur standarisasi. So..Cuma dengan bermodalkan fisik kita bisa menilai bahwa dia jelek, kamu cakep, si itu ganteng, or whatever lah..kita dibutain akan kenyataanya bahwa tidak ada manusia yang jelek…manusia itu adalah kreasi yang paling sempurna dalam sejarah penciptaan.

Jadi ga usah rendah diri.. ^_^

Friday, June 16, 2006


its been almost 10 years since i took Mr. P and Ms. E with me, they're not always there but they're always there when you need them. Mr.P is modest, friendly, talkative and thoughtful to others..smell like a roasted corn, smokey like clouds and kinda slim. Ms.E is a high-taker, socializer, human lover and sometimes can be paranoid...she doesnt have a smell, taste a bit bitter and it needs 30 minutes or more to get really knows her.

When im with Mr. P i felt like we're equals, no boundaries, out of the box, and bit sleepy but never felt hungry anymore since i dont know when it was started became like that. he's a God's natural gift, born in a mountain village.

A bit different with Ms. E, i felt like am a solid human being without thinking who are we, where are we from, what socialize level we are...but you have to be an open-minded person so you wont lose anything.

Some people says they're the public enemy, they need to be vanished from this life..some might say, they're a friend whose never take you back but dont get too close. And I said..hell with it ^_^ they're my friendly enemy.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


its my blog!! finally gw memutuskan untuk punya blog, cuma untuk ngelepasin semua pemikiran2 gw yg ga penting!!
well..again, its just a thought..have a nice read ^_^