Friday, June 16, 2006


its been almost 10 years since i took Mr. P and Ms. E with me, they're not always there but they're always there when you need them. Mr.P is modest, friendly, talkative and thoughtful to others..smell like a roasted corn, smokey like clouds and kinda slim. Ms.E is a high-taker, socializer, human lover and sometimes can be paranoid...she doesnt have a smell, taste a bit bitter and it needs 30 minutes or more to get really knows her.

When im with Mr. P i felt like we're equals, no boundaries, out of the box, and bit sleepy but never felt hungry anymore since i dont know when it was started became like that. he's a God's natural gift, born in a mountain village.

A bit different with Ms. E, i felt like am a solid human being without thinking who are we, where are we from, what socialize level we are...but you have to be an open-minded person so you wont lose anything.

Some people says they're the public enemy, they need to be vanished from this life..some might say, they're a friend whose never take you back but dont get too close. And I said..hell with it ^_^ they're my friendly enemy.

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